The learning experience of students in field training is worthwhile studying. On April 14th, 2016, mobile journalism field training was held for the students of Mass Communications Department of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR).
Most of the people with smartphone today take a lot of photos and put them on the Internet. And, this generation is not new to mobile technology and shooting videos. But, there are some aspects of shooting videos with mobile which are not well known and this hinders getting good quality videos. There are some universal do's and don'ts when capturing videos with a mobile. These are some factors that even a mobile journalist at times overlooks. These are the basics which not only help journalists but also the public in getting a good video which can be used with as little editing as possible. In MoJo, the major influential factor is the time spent between shooting, and editing these videos, and sending these to the newsroom. That tine difference, that gives you the edge of a breaking news as opposed to a headline.
Mojo Field Training Program has been designed to improve the overall quality of a student to use their smartphone for filming, editing and publishing media content. Smartphone is the perfect device to capture, edit and then instantly distribute the multimedia content around the globe especially during the breaking news event.
This attached video shows some basic guidelines of mobile journalism.
This was the very first mojo student assignment submission for my students. The video was captured by iPhone 6 & edited with iMove apps.
At the end of this field training, students have learnt:
• How to collect and work with UGC
• How to use the best practice for recording, editing and producing video on an Android phone
• How to record the best quality audio interview
• Basic steps of becoming a mobile reporter
• Useful tips for shooting mobile video : locations, lighting and audio
• Introduce with basic MoJo kits and apps
• Basics of mobile video editing on Kinemaster/ iMovie and other mobile apps
• How to collect and work with UGC
• How to use the best practice for recording, editing and producing video on an Android phone
• How to record the best quality audio interview
• Basic steps of becoming a mobile reporter
• Useful tips for shooting mobile video : locations, lighting and audio
• Introduce with basic MoJo kits and apps
• Basics of mobile video editing on Kinemaster/ iMovie and other mobile apps
Watch on Youtube (HD):